Tag Archive for: Mathilde Dratwa

dratwa_escapefromgardengrove   BIO

Mathilde Dratwa has worked as an actor, writer and director in Belgium, France, England, Spain, Russia, Sri Lanka and the USA. She’s a co-leader of the FilmShop collective, a member of the Independent Film School’s writer-director lab and an alumna of Cambridge University and Drama Centre London. She teaches for the Shakespeare Society, the New Victory and the Roundabout Theatre.

“Escape from Garden Grove” was a play before it was a film. It was produced in seven theatre festivals in New York and in Norway, and selected for the Last Frontier Theater Conference in Alaska. It is published by Lazy Bee Scripts.

The film was a top ten finalist in the Sundance Channel Shorts Contest, and Victoria Blankenship won an award as Best Actress in a Supporting Role from the Barcelona Film Festival.


    • 2009: Alfred Stevens, le Plaisir de peindre la femme
    • 2010: Panda Farnana, un Congolais qui dérange
    • 2007: Mass Moving, des Insoumis dans l’Art
    • 2006: Twice upon a Time
    • 2005: Monsieur Bing et l’Art Nouveau
    • 2004: Panamarenko. The Magic of Art
    • 2002: L’Homme qui voulait classer le Monde
    • 1999: Entre Flore et Thalie
    • 1998: Mata-Hari, mythe ou réalité d’une espionne
    • 1997: Mémoires d’une Princesse Hindoue
    • 1994: La Demoiselle de Russie
    • 1993: Le Mystère des Tombes gelées de Sibérie
    • 1991: Nylon Blues
    • 1988: Les Gardiens de la nuit