Ingibjörg Birgisdottir, Orri Jonsson + Kristin Björk Kristjansdottirx2013 - FILMMAAKSTER - AANWEZIG, x2013 - FILMMAAKSTERS - VOLLEDIG- r.tous, x2013 - VOLLEDIG- tous BIO From the Icelandic music and visual arts scene, these three directors make their cinema debut with this film, managing a successfully blending cinema, animation and image. FILMOGRAPHIE ••••••jafkjakfjaksdjf, kjadflkjas ••••••jafkjakfjaksdjf, kjadflkjas ••••••jafkjakfjaksdjf, kjadflkjas 160 160 Vera Vera2013-09-01 21:13:042013-09-20 13:53:13Ingibjörg Birgisdottir, Orri Jonsson + Kristin Björk Kristjansdottir