Dyana Gaye is a French-Senegalese filmmaker born in Paris in 1975 . Straddling two cultures, French and Senegalese, Dyana Gaye chose cinema as a medium She is an actress, screenwriter, producer. However her main activity remains filmmaking.
A graduate of the University of Paris 8 – St Denis, she obtained in 1998 a MA in Film Studies. In 1999, she won the Louis Lumière – Villa Medicis Hors les Murs scholarship to study for her screenplay for A woman for Souleymane, which she achieved the following year. The film won many awards at international festivals. She worked for several years as a programmer for ACID (Agency for Independent Cinema for its Distribution).
Vulvu 3.0
FILM RESUMES-NL 2014Sans a priori et sans jugement, les réalisatrices ont réussi lepari osé de parler et de faire parler de la vulve autant sous l’angle intime que social. Et les représentations de la vulve
nous disent beaucoup du rapport au corps et à la féminité ! Construite avec une précision quasi chirurgicale, l’enquête des deux réalisatrices est aussi et surtout un documentaire
remarquable à l’humour ravageur. « Cachez ce sexe… » aurait-on dit hier ! Et aujourd’hui ? Le film démontre un formatage de l’intime des filles, une véritable question sociale.
FILM RESUMES-NL 2014Een jonge vrouw leeft samen met haar chagrijnige en veeleisende bejaarde vader.
Ondanks het feit dat zij in deze situatie verstikt doet zij haar plicht. Maar waarvan droomt zij (nog)?
FILM RESUMES-NL 2014De eerste documentaire over de schrijfster Alice Walker, alom bekend door haar schitterende roman ‘The Colour Purple’. Als eerste zwarte vrouw won zij de gerenommerde Pulitzer prijs voor fictie. Haar turbulente leven stond steeds in het teken van de strijd tegen mannelijke en witte onderdrukking.
“Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence.” A. Walker
FILM RESUMES-NL 2014Vrouwen voor verandering» is een feministisch collectief in Guatemala dat de stilte wil doorbreken over de verkrachtingen van inheemse vrouwen tijdens de burgeroorlog. Overal in het land klagen locale gemeenschappen dit schandaal aan. Daardoor start een proces van heling voor de vrouwen, organiseert men politieke acties en festivals. Zo houdt men de herinnering levendig en ontwikkelt men alternatieve rechtspraak. Het seksueel geweld mag zich nooit meer herhalen!
FILM RESUMES-NL 2014Kiezen tussen vijftig merken shampoo, wat een dilemma’s in onze consumptiemaatschappij !
FILM RESUMES-NL 2014In Marocco, you cannot legally adopt a child, you can only take care of him/her. Filiation is very strict and can only be ‘natural’. A growing problem in a society that refuses to offer any solutions.
Noemie Marsily + Carl Roosens
REALISTRICE PRESENTE-NL 2014, REALISTRICE TOUS-NL 2014Noémie Marsily is born in 1983 in Belgium. She is painter, illustrator and filmmaker. She’s also part of the collective “Nos Restes” in Brussels, which is experimenting around books, narration, pictures, highlighting the diversity of practices.
Carl Roosens likes telling stories. He’s an illustrator. He founded ‘Nos Restes’ publishing in 2007, making fanzine books, exhibitions and concerts. He co-directed with Noémie Marsily a short animated film produced by “Zorobabel”, entitled “Poodle”.
He tells stories on music Noza, Emmanuel Coenen and Z, their first album was released in September 2009, at Humpty Dumpty Records. They made a lot of concerts in festival (Nuits du Botanique- Mars en chanson-Dour Festival-Massif Festival etc …)
Sofia Aissaoui
REALISTRICE PRESENTE ESPRIT-NL 2014, REALISTRICE TOUS-NL 2014Dyana Gaye is a French-Senegalese filmmaker born in Paris in 1975 . Straddling two cultures, French and Senegalese, Dyana Gaye chose cinema as a medium She is an actress, screenwriter, producer. However her main activity remains filmmaking.
A graduate of the University of Paris 8 – St Denis, she obtained in 1998 a MA in Film Studies. In 1999, she won the Louis Lumière – Villa Medicis Hors les Murs scholarship to study for her screenplay for A woman for Souleymane, which she achieved the following year. The film won many awards at international festivals. She worked for several years as a programmer for ACID (Agency for Independent Cinema for its Distribution).
Sarah Vanagt
REALISTRICE PRESENTE-NL 2014, REALISTRICE TOUS-NL 2014Born in 1976, Sarah Vanagt works and lives in Brussels. Between 1994 and 1998, she studied history at the universities of Antwerp, Sussex and Groningen. She then studied at the National Film and Television School (UK), in the documentary department.