Tag Archief van: Martine Doyen

doyen_tomorrow   BIO

After studying plastic arts and communication, Martine Doyen studied drama (both directing and acting) at the International School of Theathe LASSAAD. Next to that, she started making her own short movies in super 8 mm and videos. Between 2006 and 2014, she started up her own small producing structure and explores techniques of improvisation in the cinema. She produces and directs a few experimental films such as ‘Tomorrow’ and ‘Examen de Pâques’, in collaboration with Antoine Boute.



  • 2006: KOMMA

  • 2001: Pâques au tison

  • 1997: Noël au balcon
  • 1996: L’insoupçonnable univers de Josiane
  • 1995: Herman le gangster